Final reminder: Last-minute sign up for exam workshop (pilot study) Monday 27/5

It is still possible to sign up for the problem solving session on May 27 (cfr. previous announcement and email). You can sign up by contacting Ruben (, with the subject "Sign-up for physics project". 

Here's once again the list of benefits :)

* You get paid (up to 300kr)

* The setting is similar to a real exam (though all problems will be from complex analysis), good practice for June 13th

* You may bring the same support material as to the real exam, including 2 pages (rather than 4) of own notes. Flying start to preparing your notes for June 13th! 

* No pressure: Full anonymity, no grading, but a solution will be provided 

* Via the questionaries you will provide helpful input that may enable us to offer future students even better courses

Don't hesitate to ask me if you have questions! 

Publisert 22. mai 2019 09:53 - Sist endret 22. mai 2019 09:53