Some more practical info

Hi all,

We'll discuss all the practicalities of the course in the first lecture tomorrow, but here's some key info already now -- especially for those unable to attend the first lecture in person.

  • All lectures will be recorded and made available (to registered students) on these web pages. Check the schedule ("Timeplan") page for the link to a given lecture recording. We will try to ensure that the videos are available later the same day as the lecture
  • For those who are able to attend lectures in person, we strongly encourage you to do so.
  • I will also upload my hand-written lecture notes to our GitHub repo after each lecture.
  • The main background material for the course will be (parts of) Morten Hjort-Jensen's book / lecture notes. You'll find the link via the page "Pensum/litteratur i Leganto" above. In my lectures I will point to the relevant chapters. However, as there is no final written exam we don't have a fixed set of pages that make up the curriculum -- it's is defined by what we discuss in the lectures and the project work we do.
  • The Zoom link to the online lab sessions will be posted on the schedule page.
  • Regarding the lab sessions: You should be assigned to a given lab number on Canvas. (Note: the lab sessions are not numbered chronologically -- check the schedule page for the time for your lab number). However, as long as there is space, you are free to attend any lab session that works for you and those you collaborate with. But if you end up attending more than "your" lab session, make sure to show solidarity and make room for your fellow students when new people arrive and are looking for places to sit.
  • There are five obligatory assignments in the course: Two problem sets (pass/fail), and then three graded projects that in combination determine the final grade. For simplicity we will refer to these five assignments simply as "project 1" to "project 5", even though only projects 3--5 are projects in the true sense of the word.
  • We will discuss the details of the grading system in the lectures, and I'll also post a document with details on this.
  • I will post a separate message with (tentative) deadlines for the five obligatory assignments.
  • For the projects, we both allow and strongly encourage you to collaborate in groups of up to four students. Each group then hands in a single project report. You will organize these groups yourself, and you are free to change/leave/modify your group between projects if needed. If you prefer to work alone, that is of course fine. If you are looking for people to collaborate with, consider posting a message on this thread to let others in the course know.

More detailed info in the lecture tomorrow.


Publisert 24. aug. 2022 15:52 - Sist endret 24. aug. 2022 16:22