
Publisert 21. mai 2013 13:55

Individual time and location for the final exam in FYS4160 is available in StudentWeb. Questions regarding the schedule or registration should be sent to

Publisert 14. mai 2013 14:08

The last group session this year is this week on Thursday the 16th of May.   I will do my best to prepare you for the exam.


Publisert 14. mai 2013 14:03

The dates for the final exams are Friday the 31st of May and Monday the 3rd of june.

Publisert 1. mai 2013 20:20


8.11 The Schwarzschild-de Sitter metric

8.7 Perihelion precession and the cosmological constant

9.5 The lifetime of a black hole

Publisert 22. apr. 2013 11:27

8.12 Proper radial distance in the Schwarzschild metric

8.13 Gravitational redshift in Schwarzschild spacetime

9.1 Spaceship falling into a black hole

Publisert 12. apr. 2013 14:19

8.2 Curvature tensor on rotating disc

8.3 Kepler motion with perturbations

Publisert 9. apr. 2013 17:49

The rest of the group sessions will be held on thursdays, room ø364 at 08.15 starting on thursday the 11th.


Publisert 5. apr. 2013 11:27

The new time for the group sessions will be 8 am on thursdays.  However, as this has not been through the whole process with the administration, there will be a session on monday the 8th.

You may look at these problems for next week:

7.1 Lorentz transformation of perfect fluid

7.2 Geodesic equation and constants of motion

Publisert 19. mars 2013 16:01

There will be no lecture on tuesday the 26th of March, the lectures will resume the first tuesday after Easter.

Publisert 14. mars 2013 16:52

Week 11:

5.6 Geodetic curves in space

6.2 A non-Cartesian coordinate system in two dimensions

Publisert 7. mars 2013 11:38

Week 10:

8.1 The curvature tensor of a sphere

Publisert 26. feb. 2013 15:13

The last problem of the mandatory exercises has been updated. Also, a doodle has been distributed to your e-mail addresses in order to decide on a new time for the group sessions. If you do take the course but have not received the e-mail, please contact me at


Publisert 25. feb. 2013 16:07

Week 9:

5.5 Covariant derivatives

5.7 Poincare's half-plane

Publisert 20. feb. 2013 15:59

The mandatory exercises have been posted. You should hand in your solutions strictly before the 19th of March begins in the local instantaneous rest frame of the physics building.

Publisert 19. feb. 2013 10:16

Exercises for week 8:

5.3 Poincare's lemma

5.4 Parabolic coordinates

Publisert 13. feb. 2013 15:18

Week 7

4.3 Uniformly accelerated system of reference

5.1 Spatial geodesics on rotating disk

Publisert 6. feb. 2013 14:53

There will be no lecture on the first of March.

Mandatory assignment

There will be a set of problems that must be solved, handed in and approved in order to take the final exam. The deadline for handing in your solutions will be sometime in the middle of March. The problems will be handed out some three weeks before that.

Week 6

4.1 Rotating disk

4.2 Free particle in accelerated reference frame

Publisert 30. jan. 2013 11:35

Exercises for week 6:

3.1 One-forms

3.2 Tensor products

3.7 Wedge products

3.8 Two-dimensional coordinate transformations

Publisert 28. jan. 2013 12:05

I have finally gotten access to editing this page, the exercises so far have been:

Week 5:

2.1 Twin paradox

2.2 Faster than light?

2.8 Doppler effect

2.13 Cerenkov radiation

Week 4:

1.1 Tidal pendulum

1.2 Inside gravity of spherical mass

1.3 Earth-Moon system and Lagrange points

1.4 The Roche-limit

The groups meet at FYS ?393 at 10.15 on mondays
