
Publisert 19. juni 2019 08:32

The GR exam is now graded. Out of the 45 available points, 11 were needed for a pass and 35 to get an 'A'. The final results are available here, including a breakdown of points achieved per problem. As announced earlier there are detailed solutions along with grading instructions(*); the bonus points in the last column of the result list have already been published before and approved (in that no one objected). 

Please note that significant time and effort has gone into grading and providing the example solutions at this level of detail. So if there is anything you wonder, and that is not answered by the solutions, do by all means contact us! (In particular before consider...

Publisert 7. juni 2019 11:44

After the exam there should be a "dialogue meeting" with the course teachers and one or more student representatives to discuss experiences from this course. This will be condensed into a short report, to be written during the meeting.


Please discuss among yourselves whom you would like to volunteer for this meeting - and let us know ASAP. We plan to meet on Friday (14/06) at 10am.

Publisert 8. mai 2019 09:00

As already announced in the lecture, the last 'proper' lecture will be next week Tuesday (May 14). On May 20 there will be a Q&A session covering the whole course (including exercises) -- so it's a good idea to already think about possible questions while preparing  for the exam.

The final exam will be similar in style to those of previous years (except for that from last year), so looking at those problems is certainly a good preparation. You will be allowed to bring 3 A4 pages (two-sided) with own notes (but nothing else). Note that preparing these notes in a concise and organized way is in itself an excellent preparation for such a vast topic.


Publisert 8. mai 2019 08:49

I just uploaded the final set of exercises. Since I presume that most of you would not be happy to attend the exercise session on May 17, it has been moved to May 21. ;)

Since that is the week before the final exam, this set of exercises is also not part of the problems counting towards the 10% of the final grade.

Publisert 30. apr. 2019 14:40

This weeks's exercise session (on Friday May 3rd) is CANCELLED.

We'll continue on May 10th as usual. 

Publisert 2. apr. 2019 14:35

As announced today during the lecture, Jeriek will next week take you through classical tests of GR (in the weak field regime). We'll continue after the Easter break, on Monday April 29, with an introduction to cosmology.

Publisert 2. apr. 2019 14:32

I have just uploaded the slides from today's lecture - including updated links. ;)

Publisert 14. jan. 2019 21:20

So start asking questions right away! :)

Publisert 4. jan. 2019 11:36

The course starts in week 3, on January 14, and there is now a tentative syllabus available.

Before starting, however, it is a very good idea to fresh up your knowledge from previous courses!

Lectures will be on Mondays and Tuesdays, while exercise classes will be on Fridays. All take place in the Kristian Birkeland auditorium (?157), at 12am.

Welcome to the fascinating world of General Relativity!

Torsten Bringmann