Important EXAM information

As you know the exam will be oral this year, and proceed via zoom on June 3rd. In order to plan that day, it is absolutely essential to have an idea about how many of you will participate, and to test  the equipment beforehand (audio+video must be working, and you must be able to write down equations by hand such that the censors can see them). 

Please indicate here whether you want a "slot" reserved for you on June 3rd. Also note that the official grade will only be pass or fail. If you are interested, on a totally voluntary basis, we may offer to extend the exam by 10-15 minutes and afterwards provide an informal / "would be" grade on the familiar A-F scale. Please indicate this is well, as this requires planning and setting up the slots correspondingly.

Equipment testing will happen during the standard lecture slots on  May 25 or 26 -- which otherwise will also be reserved for a general Q&A round about the whole course content. Note that the testing part is compulsory; during the actual exam there is no time to adjust technical settings.

Published May 8, 2020 9:35 AM - Last modified May 8, 2020 9:39 AM