First Lecture and lab session January 20

Dear All, first, happy new year and best wishes for 2022 and the new semester.
We hope this semester has started the best possible way.
Due to covid-19 regulations the first two weeks will be taught (labs and lectures)  in a digital mode.
From week 5, we will have both online and in-person laboratories (room F?434, Department of Physics, University of Oslo).  Lectures will however always be in a digital mode since one of us (Morten) is in the USA in the period January-June. We may schedule an intensive week for the week of March 7-11, with in-person lectures. All lectures will recorded, with subtitles, and posted online after the lectures. There will also be additional videos and there is an extensive learning material at the GitHub address of the course., see and for an outline of the weekly teaching material.

Most importantly, our zoom coordinates for the semester are:
Zoom link for the semester (lectures and lab sessions):

Topic: FYS4411/9411 Lectures
Time: This is a recurring meeting, every Thursday 2pm-7pm

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 995 5391 9750
Passcode: 124321

Our first lecture is January 20 at 1415 CET. The first lab session follows subsequently and ends at 19.00 CET
Our last lab and lecture sessions are May 12. 

Cya tomorrow and best wishes,
Morten and ?yvind

Published Jan. 20, 2022 12:57 AM - Last modified Jan. 20, 2022 12:57 AM