Plans for week 7, February 14-18, 2022

Hi all and welcome back to FYS4411/9411. Here's a short update on our plans for  this week with a short summary from last week.
1) Lab: we continue developing our code for project with the aim to add importance sampling
2) Lecture: Last week we discussed the overarching background needed for importance sampling and discussed the basic equations which are needed to code, such as the so-called quantum force and how to efficiently compute gradients, laplacians and ratios of wave functions.  The material is available through the slides at
3)  Lecture: This week we continue our discussion on importance sampling with the material from last week (see again slides from last week). We will also start with our next topic that we need to encode, namely how to find the optimal parameters for a variational Monte Carlo simulation. The slides for week 7 at contain the relevant initial material. Next week we will discuss in more detail what we need to code.

Our hope is that we can all have a VMC code for the non-interacting case with importance sampling by the end of next week. Thereafter we will start to implement gradient optimization methods, before we move on to resampling methods and parallelization.

Best wishes and never hesitate to reach out to us, either via on canvas or through mail or at the lab. Canvas has btw an anonymous chat function which allows for using mathematical type setting with latex.
Morten and ?yvind

Published Feb. 17, 2022 5:19 AM - Last modified Feb. 17, 2022 5:19 AM