Plans for week 8, February 21-25

The video for the lecture of February 17 is at
and subtitles will be available during the evening/night (youtube uses some 10++ hours to process all the odd things I said today?!)
Else, the handwritten notes are at

The aim next week is to discuss optimization and gradient methods.  As background material, take a look at the slides from the text on optimization mentioned earlier today. It contains much more than we will cover. But it gives a good overview, see

Till now we have covered
1) Implementing the Metropolis algorithm
2) Implementing analytical expressions for the local energy
3) started to implement importance sampling. The hope is to finalize the coding of this by the end of next week or begin week thereafter.

Thereafter we will 
4) Implement optimization by computing the derivatives of the energy expectation value 
5) Learn how to perform an analysis of the errors in the calculations by using resampling methods
6) and finally parallelize the code

That should give us a professional code for performing monte carlo calculations.

Best wishes to you all and cya all next week,
Morten and ?yvind

Published Feb. 17, 2022 8:12 PM - Last modified Feb. 17, 2022 8:12 PM