Semesterside for FYS3410 - V?r 2011

In order to learn the place of your FYS3410 examination a bit in advance I would like to suggest to have our "repetition" meeting scheduled for the 23/5 at to take place at the MiNalab too. Since some of you may need to go by foot from the Physics Building after a lecture earlier in the morning, I may suggest to delay the start of our meeting to 10.25 but trust we still finish by noon.

23. mai 2011 11:28

The final examination in FYS3410 is going to take place at the Micro- and Nanotechnology Laboratoty (MiNaLab) at the Gaustad-part of the UiO-campus. The street address to the MinaLab is Gaustadallen 23c, 0373 Oslo. The directions may be found, for instance, using a map at the UiO server: The reason for not having our examination in the Physics Building is because of a dificultty to book a room during the period when classes are not yet finished in other courses. The examination will take place at UiOs meeting room at the 3rd flour (entrance flour from the side of Gaustadalleen). You will be also offered a room where you may be when preparing your answer. Free hot drinks are going to be offered as a compensation to come to a new place.

19. mai 2011 13:04

During week 20 (calendar week) we study surface/interface properties of materials (Chapters 21, during Monday the 16/5) as well as metals and Fermi surfaces (Chapter 9, during Wednesday the 18/5). The exercise session on Thursday the 19/5 is going to cover both topics. Week 21 is devoted to the repetition/examination.

11. mai 2011 19:36