Welcome to FYS3410 - version2014

Dear All,

Welcome to FYS3410 - version2014!

As you likely already figured out FYS3410 in spring 2014 will be given in form of an intensive course divided in four modules:

Module I - weeks 4-5: Crystal lattices, reciprocal space, and x-ray diffraction;

Module II - weeks 6-7: Thermal properties of the lattice;

Module III - weeks 9-10: Free electron gas and introduction to the energy bands;

Module IV - weeks 11-12: Applications of energy band theory in semiconductors and metals.

See  "Forel?pig kursplan" for the exact schedule 


Publisert 15. jan. 2014 09:52 - Sist endret 15. jan. 2014 09:55