FYS3510 Status and plans

The future plan will soon be updated. We have so far collected enough background material (equations of motion, transition probabilities, perturbation theory, relativistic kinematics, ... ). I encourage you to follow the Exercise session related to Appendices 2 and 3 and chapters 3, 4, 5 next week (22.2 and 23.2). We've started looking at particle physics processes (scattering, annihilation, decay) to determine cross sections and lifetimes. We now compare electromagnetism to other interactions (chapter 5 to be finished today 16.2). We have introduced some conservation laws and more will be introduced in chapter 6 (starting today). Conservation laws, closely related to symmetries, are important to classify particles, state which processes are allowed or not and are at the heart of force generation.

At the end of today's session (16.2) I will possibly run a short discussion. So all are welcome to attend.  

Publisert 16. feb. 2016 10:05