New rooms for lecture & problem session + further information

We have organized new rooms for the lectures and problem sessions:

  • Wednesdays 12-14 in FY  Lille auditorium
  • Thursdays     10-12 in  FY Auditorium ?467

Please also note that we have updated the website with a pensum list. In addition we the problem set's will be available from the menu on the right side.

To facilitate preparing for the lectures we will try to show the topics of the next min. 2 lectures in the Activities column of the Timeplan.

Current changes

Both, Wednesday and Thursday 25/26.01. will be lectures. The next problem session in on Wednesday, 01.02. Therefor the voluntary hand-in is postponed to 30.01

Publisert 20. jan. 2017 14:43 - Sist endret 20. jan. 2017 14:44