Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
14.01.2005B. Etzelmüller? Geomatikk? Introduction? Introduction to the topic?
17.01.2005B. Etzelmuller? Geomatikk? Interpolation? Generate continuous fields?
24.01.2005B. Etzelmüller ? Auditorium 2? Interpolation? ?
28.01.2005B. Etzelmüller ? Auditorium 1? Geostatistics? Principles?
31.01.2005B. Etzelmüller ? Auditorium 2? Geostatistics? Kriging etc.?
04.02.2005B. Wangensteen? Auditorium 3 (room 113)? Data down scaling? Classification?
07.02.2005B. Wangensteen? Auditorium 2 ? Classification? ?
11.02.2005B. Etzelmüller? Auditorium 3 (room 113)? Analysis on discrete entities? Partly repetition from GEG1240?
14.02.2005B. Etzelmüller ? Auditorium 2 ? Analyses on discrete entities? Network analyses?
18.02.2005B. Etzelmüller ? Auditorium 3 (room 113)? Analyses on continuous fields? Filter, derivation?
21.02.2005B. Etzelmüller ? Auditorium 2 ? Analyses on continuous fields? Friction surfaces?
25.02.2005? Anywhere? No lecture: Practical work with assignments? ?
28.02.2005? Anywhere? No lecture: Work with assignments? ?
04.03.2005B. Etzelmüller? Auditorium 3 (room 113)? Cartographic modelling? ?
07.03.2005B. Etzelmüller ? U37A? Cartographic modelling? ?
11.03.2005Hjelpel?rer? Lab? Project work? ?
14.03.2005? ? No lectures? There are no lectures in week 11 because of exams.?
01.04.2005Dagrun Vikhamar? Auditorium 3 (room 113)? Remote sensing and image analyses? Principles and overview over different image and remote sensing analyses?
04.04.2005Dagrun Vikhamar? U37A? Multispectral and image analyses? ?
08.04.2005Dagrun Vikhamar? Auditorium 3 (room 113)? Analyses of surface changes by means of image time series? ?
11.04.2005Dagrun Vikhamar? U37A? Hyperspectral remote sensing - principles and application? ?
15.04.2005? ? ? ?
18.04.2005B. Etzelmuller ? U37A? Questions for the exam? ?
Published Dec. 15, 2004 10:07 AM - Last modified Apr. 11, 2011 12:25 PM