Welcome to DIGHEL4350

Dear all

First of all, we are looking forward to welcoming to the course. Here is a bit of information before the first session: 



The purpose of the course is to introduce you a broad set of fundamental topics within health science and give you sufficient background knowledge about the healthcare sector to enable you to engage in interdisciplinary work later in your education. Based on this, we will also discuss information needs in healthcare and the role of digital technologies in supporting these. 


As the type of literature we will read is unfamiliar to many, the course also aims to make you comfortable with reading and discussing literature from health sciences. Because of this, the course is organized as a reading club.

This entails that there will be no 'traditional' lectures. Instead we will meet 2 hours per week and explore the readings of the week through open discussions. The reading club takes place on Wednesdays 10.15-12.00 in room OJD, Seminarrom Java. There will be no additional seminar. 

Because of the format of the course, please note that it is absolutely necessary that you before each session have read the assigned literature thoroughly and prepared to discuss this. 

First session

The first session of the course takes place on August 21st 10.15-12.00. Here we will give you an overview of the structure and formalities of the course. Also, we will discuss the following readings: 



We look forward to meeting you, 
Sune and Troels


Publisert 15. aug. 2024 09:30 - Sist endret 15. aug. 2024 09:30