IMPORTANT: All Students MUST Complete the Compulsory Assignments

Hi Everyone,

This is a very important information: in order for you to sit the exam, all students must complete all compulsory assignments this semester, independent if they have passed them in a previous course. No student is exempt of this requirement.

The reason for this is that the assignments in this course are considerably different from the ones from past courses, which would make it inappropriate to say that if you have passed those assignments, you have passed the assignments of this course as well.

The Ifi guidelines for mandatory assignments say:

On condition that a course stays reasonably unchanged, the students should be allowed to reuse previous submissions (if all submissions are approved in a course) for up to 5 years; this is decided by the lecturer. It is the student’s responsibility to prove that a previous submission has been accepted. 

You can read the complete guidelines at: /english/studies/examinations/compulsory-activities/mn-ifi-guidelines.html

Please notice that, although the learning outcomes remain mainly the same as the ones from the past few years, the content and procedures towards getting those outcomes have been considerably revised.

In order for you to do well in the exam, it is extremely important that you complete and pass those assignments. So, make sure that you will do it! =)

If you have any queries, please bring it to our Teams channel!


Publisert 6. sep. 2024 13:24 - Sist endret 6. sep. 2024 15:35