Group sessions

Sign-up sheet for group sessions (link)

Remember to register and login to UiO g-suite first!

From January 31, the Department of Informatics will resume physical teaching. There are still restrictions regarding how many can participate in a meeting, and restrictions with respect to distance: Keep one meter!

For IN3050/IN4050, this means that we will continue with Zoom lectures. There are too many students for physical lectures.

For the group sessions, we will have some physical and some Zoom groups. For the physical groups, there are strict limitations regarding how many students can be in a room at the same time. To respect this, we will have a simple booking system where the students have to book a seat before each group session. This is to avoid that someone will meet a full room and a closed door.

To book a seat, you first have to set up a UiO g-suite account, if you have not already done that. See /tjenester/it/lagring-中国竞猜网_中国足彩网-足球推荐/gsuite/. Log in to your g-suite account and go to the following page. Find your group and write your UiO user name. If the group is full, you cannot attend the physical group that week, but you may go to one of the digital groups instead.

Beware that it may take some time, around 15 minutes, from you register with google the first time before your account gets activated. Also, beware that you have to use the g-suite and your UiO identity to get access. You will not be granted access to your normal google account: <...>

We know that you have not been granted to choose your preferred group time, nor whether you have been assigned to a physical or digital group. Many have wanted to change groups. To respect the distance restrictions, you can only sign-up for sessions in the group to which you have been assigned---at least for the week Jan. 31 - Feb. 4 (teaching week 3). If we see that some of the groups have free capacity, we will eventually come up with possibilities for more students to join these groups.

Do not sign up to a group unless you plan to attend. Let some of your fellow students get that seat.




Published Jan. 26, 2022 4:01 PM - Last modified Oct. 17, 2022 3:00 PM