Disclaimer: These are notes taken before the exam not ment as a readable solution. There is no guarantee for correctness nor completness of the solutions sketched here! Other solutions can also be correct. Task 1 Points for: - Different drain voltages/out of saturation - Different transistor sizes, W/L extra: - Mismatch - Dynamic effects -- Task 2 function '[Vd]=CMOSdiode(Id,kn,Vtn) VT=26e-3 ;%V Is=2*kn*VT^2; % Id=Is*exp((Vg-Vtn)/VT) % solve for Vg % log(Id)=log(Is)+(Vg-Vtn)/VT Vg=VT*(log(Id)-Log(Is))+Vtn; -- Task 3 gate 1 gate 4 gate 2 gate 3 -- Task 4 Truth table J K D 0 0 Q 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 notQ More explicit J K Q D 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 X 0 1 0 X 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 Simplest implementation with 2x3-input AND gates and 1x2-input AND gate in the three cases where D is 1 -- Task 5 function [A] = IntrinsicGain( Id, L, uCox, W, LamL) %UNTITLED2 Summary of this function goes here % Detailed explanation goes here %Id=100e-6 %uCox=400e-6 % LamL=(1/5)*1e-6 % W=10e-6 % L=0.5e-6 %gm=Vov*kn; %Id=0.5*kn*Vov^2 gm=sqrt(2*Id*uCox*W/L) %lambda=lamL/L ro=L/LamL/Id %A=sqrt(2*Id*uCox*W/L)*L/lamL/Id A=sqrt(2*L/Id*uCox*W)/LamL end Id=40e-6; L45=45*2e-9; L180=180*2e-9; W45=3*L45; W180=3*L180; uCox45=280e-6; uCox180=270e-6; LamL45=0.1e-6; LamL180=0.08e-6; [A45] = IntrinsicGain( Id, L45, uCox45, W45, LamL45) [A180] = IntrinsicGain( Id, L180, uCox180, W180, LamL180) A45 = 5.8327 A180 = 28.6378 -- Task 6 A1=20; A2=8; e1=3e-3; e2=6e-3; etot_a=(A1*e1+e2)/A1 e1=6e-3; e2=3e-3; etot_b=(A1*e1+e2)/A1 A1=8; A2=20; e1=3e-3; e2=6e-3; etot_c=(A1*e1+e2)/A1 e1=6e-3; e2=3e-3; etot_d=(A1*e1+e2)/A1 etot_a = 0.0033 etot_b = 0.0062 etot_c = 0.0037 etot_d = 0.0064 -- Task 7 Id=15e-6 kn=400e-6 Cgs=10e-15; Cgd=1e-15; %gm=Vov*kn; %Id=0.5*kn*Vov^2 gm= sqrt(2*Id*kn) f_T=gm/(Cgs+Cgd)/2/pi f_T = 1.5850e+09 -- Task 8 function [A1,A2]=transferF(s) %UNTITLED Summary of this function goes here % Detailed explanation goes here K=10.^(50./20) A1=K.*1./(1+s./10.^5); A2=A1.*(1-s./10.^5)./(1+s./10.^5); end -- Task 9 %function [Q] = QinSF(Cgs,Cgd,Rsig,RL,CL,gm) % % %Miller=gm*RL+1; %b1=(Cgd+Cgs/Miller)*Rsig+(Cgs+CL)/Miller*RL; %b2=((Cgs+Cgd)*CL+Cgs*Cgd)/Miller*Rsig*RL; %Q=sqrt(b2)./b1; %end Rsig=[200 500 5000 50000 125000] Cgs=2e-12 Cgd=0.1e-12 CL=1e-12 gm=5e-3 RL=30e3 Miller=gm*RL+1; Q=sqrt(((Cgs+Cgd)*CL+Cgs*Cgd)/Miller*Rsig*RL) ./ ... ((Cgd+Cgs/Miller)*Rsig+(Cgs+CL)/Miller*RL) Q = 0.4886 0.7324 1.3005 0.7638 0.5123