Advice to students of IN3200/IN4200 during spring semester 2024

The following list of advice will be continuously updated, so you are recommended to check this webpage from time to time.

  • Please use the mattermost channel of in3200 to post questions to the teacher and teaching assistants, as well as discussing with other students. (It may take some time before every student is added by the administration to the mattermost channel.)
  • In case you don't have access to a computer with a proper C compiler, you may try using one of Ifi's Linux servers. You can find more info here.
  • For working with parallel programming, you are advised to use the "Fox" system provided on EduCloud at UiO.
    • First apply for membership in a EduCloud Research Project (please use project ID "ec54" for IN3200/IN4200) through this link.
    • After successfully getting the EduCloud membership, please read this webpage about how to use the Fox system.
    • To be able to use one of the MPI installations, you need to first call, e.g.,

      module load OpenMPI/4.1.5-GCC-12.3.0 

    • Here is an example job script for running an MPI program (with 8 processes).

  • is a very good website that contains the documentation and examples of MPI and OpenMP programming. Worth a visit!
  • Earlier exam questions and suggested solutions:


Publisert 15. jan. 2024 10:04 - Sist endret 13. mars 2024 12:11