
Published June 13, 2023 4:17 PM

Suggested solutions to the problems in partial exam 2 are now available on Canvas.

Published June 1, 2023 9:20 AM

The results on partial exam 2 are now registered in Inspera and  should be available in Studentweb shortly.

Please note that even though the results are graded as A-F, it is the score (points) obtained that matters, and counts 15% towards the final grade. Even if you got an F on this part, it does not mean that the course is failed.

A means 27-30 points, B means 24-26 points, C means 18-23 points, D means 15-17 points, E means 12-14 points, and F means 0-11 points.

Published May 11, 2023 6:00 PM

The remaining two lectures will be given on Friday 12 May and Friday 19 May.

On Thursday 25 May, we will go through the suggested solutions to the exercises of the last two weeks. It is also open for any questions about the curriculum and the exam.

All remaining lecture presentations, questions, exercises and solutions are now available on Canvas.

Published May 11, 2023 12:42 PM

The partial exam answers should be submitted using Inspera.

Published May 8, 2023 4:26 PM

The deadline for submission of answers to partial exam 2 has been extended from Friday 12 May to Wednesday 16 May at 17.00.

Published May 3, 2023 10:56 AM

The last lecture has been moved from May 26th to May 19th.

The course schedule has been updated accordingly.

Published Apr. 21, 2023 2:19 PM

The results on partial exam 1 are now ready and should be available for you shortly.

Please note that even though the results are graded as A-F, it is the score (points) obtained that matters, and counts 15% towards the final grade. Even if you got an F on this part, it does not mean that the course is failed.

Suggested solutions / examiner's guide is available on Canvas and includes comments on common mistakes.

Published Apr. 5, 2023 3:00 PM

Partial exam 2 is now available in Canvas. The deadline for submissions is Friday 12 May 2023 at 17.00. Please note that the lectures have not yet covered all topics required to solve this exam, but they will be covered in the coming weeks.

If you get sick before the deadline and need an extension, remember to follow the guidelines here:


Published Mar. 29, 2023 10:54 AM

There is a problem with delivery of IN4030 partial exam 1 in Inspera at the moment. You may be asked to use the Safe Exam Browser and asked for a password. Hopefully it will be fixed soon.

Please just wait a bit with the delivery.

Update: The problems should have been fixed now.

Published Mar. 2, 2023 3:49 PM

Unfortunately the lecture on Friday 3 March will need to be cancelled as well, due to illness.

Instead, it will be held on Thursday 9 March, 1215-1400 in room 3443 Chill.


Published Mar. 1, 2023 9:27 PM

Unfortunately I will have to cancel the group exercises on Thursday 2 March because of influenza.

I have uploaded the suggested answers on Canvas.

Published Feb. 17, 2023 3:15 PM

Partial exam 1 is now available in Canvas. The deadline for submissions is Friday 31 March 2023 at 17.00. Please note that the lectures have not yet covered all topics required to solve this exam, but they will be covered in the coming weeks.

Published Feb. 2, 2023 10:08 AM

Unfortunately, the lecture on Friday 3 February and the group teaching on Thursday 9 February will be cancelled. The rest of the course will be postponed by one week. The schedule on the semester page has been updated.

Published Jan. 18, 2023 5:28 PM

The first lectures, self-study questions, and exercises are available on Canvas. Old exams and articles can also be found there.

Information about the textbook, syllabus etc can be found on the semester page.

Published Jan. 9, 2023 12:30 PM

Welcome to the IN4030 course!

The first lecture will be given on Friday January 27, 2023 from 10.15 to 12.00 in seminar room 2453 Perl.

More information about the course will be published very soon.