Compulsory exercises and projects

The following exercises and projects must be submitted within the prescribed deadlines in a repo. The students are strongly encouraged to attend the corresponding assessment lectures (under guidance of the teacher/teaching assistant), where groups of three or two students are automatically formed. Each student discusses and provides feedback on the exercises done by the other student(s) in the same group. Each student must do both the compulsory projects, and in addition finish at least 2 (out of 4) small mandatory exercises.

  • Four small mandatory exercises (need to finish at least two):
  1. The first mandatory exercise is from the module of Finite difference methods for vibration problems. Problem 1: Use linear/quadratic functions for verification. You should submit a very short report answering points a and b, as well as one Python program that solves the other points. The submission deadline is Tuesday September 3, 23:59.
  2. The second mandatory exercise is Exercise 13 Compare discretizations of a Neumann condition from the module of Finite difference methods for wave motion. You should submit a Python program named, with ample comments, that answers points a-d. The submission deadline is Sunday September 22, 23:59.
  3. The third mandatory exercise is Exercise 5 of the Stationary variational forms module. The submission deadline is Sunday October 20, 23:59.
  4. The fourth mandatory assignment is Exercise 8 of the stationary variational forms module. The submission deadline is Sunday October 27, 23:59. (You need only to write a simple report in LaTeX, no programming needed.)
  • Two large compulsory projects:
  1. The first compulsory project is A 2D wave equation solver with finite differences, programmed from scratch. Deadline for submission is Sunday Oct0ber 6, 23:59.
  2. The second compulsory project is A nonlinear finite element application, programmed in the FEniCS system. Deadline for submission is Sunday November 10 17, 23:59.
By Xing Cai
Published Aug. 18, 2019 9:18 PM - Last modified Oct. 23, 2019 4:48 PM