Module 2 – follow-up from Session 2

Big thank you to all groups for the work you have put into the chatbot prototypes. Good work! All groups have successfully completed this week-assignment. You will also summarize this week-assignment in the mid-term report as Appendix 1. In this Appendix 1, you will briefly describe the purpose of the prototype, how you designed and implemented the prototype and your reflections on the process (about 1 page of text and 2-4 screenshots).

If relevant, the groups may also consider to use the prototype as part of their main group work. If so, you can, for example, refine and expand on the prototype or gather user feedback in response to the prototype – depending on the nature of your research question.  It is also encouraged to iterate on your research question so that it reflects what you are investigating.

As you likely have spent somewhat more time on the prototype assignment than what was foreseen, we make a small reduction in the requirement for the individual mid-term reports. Item 15 and 16 in this report is now changed so that you choose one of two papers to summarize, instead of doing both.

Publisert 2. okt. 2018 07:10 - Sist endret 2. okt. 2018 07:20