Feedback on the project plan - Friday 04.10.2019

You will receive feedback on the project plan from Kathinka. Please make sure to show up on time for your allotted time slot in Postscript.

We recommend the whole group attend the feedback session, but at the very least one person from each group must attend.


Feedback time slot

Gr. 1: Siv, Thuan, Jakob

10:15 - 10:35

Gr. 2: Karl-Otto, Hanna, Anna

10:35 - 10:55

Gr. 3: Chris, Maren, Inger Helene, Nathalie

10:55 - 11:15

Gr. 4: Sigurd, Viljar, Alexandra, Kristoffer

11:15 - 11:35

Gr. 4: Florens, Stefan, Mathias

11:35 - 11:55

Guri and Kathinka

Publisert 27. sep. 2019 16:35 - Sist endret 27. sep. 2019 16:35