
Dato Undervises av Sted Tema Kommentarer / ressurser
21.08.2019 Fritz Albregtsen OJD3437 C Introduction and preliminaries

Lecture notes


27.08.2019 Patrick Ribu Gorton OJD2443 Modula The first exercise set - an introduction to programming and processing images. Proposed solution to exercise 1 (MATLAB)
28.08.2019 Fritz Albregtsen OJD3438 Caml

Features from images: Texture (DIP4E Ch 11, pp.846-857)

Lecture notes


03.09.2019 Patrick Ribu Gorton OJD2443 Modula

Short repetition of extracting features from images using GLCM. The second exercise set.

Proposed solution to exercise 2 (MATLAB)


Fritz Albregtsen

OJD3438 Caml Local to Global, Hough Transform (DIP4E Ch 10, pp737-742)

Lecture notes

Exercise text is at the back of the lecture foils.

Support files for matlab exercises:

Matlab scripts:

Matlab function for Hough transform:

Matlab function for drawing lines

Image of corridor:

Image of coins:

Exercise solution to Random Hough transform:

Matlab support function:


Patrick Ribu Gorton

OJD2443 Modula

Exercises related to the Hough transform.

Proposed solution to exercises on Hough transform (MATLAB)

11.09.2019 Fritz Albregtsen OJD3438 Caml Object representation (DIP4E Ch 11)

Lecture notes


17.09.2019 Kristine Hein (Substitute for Patrick) OJD2443 Modula

Exercises related to object representation and help with the first mandatory assignment.

18.09.2019 Fritz Albregtsen KN Lille auditorium Object description (DIP4E Ch 11.3 - 4)

Lecture notes



Patrick Ribu Gorton

OJD2443 Modula

Help with the first mandatory assignment.

Object description: Proposed solution to programming exercises (MATLAB)
25.09.2019 Anne S. Solberg KN Store auditorium Feature extraction based on gradients

Lecture notes are here

Additional reading material:


No new exercises, combined exercise on extracting feature and classification after the next lecture. Work on mandatory this week!



01.10.2019 Patrick Ribu Gorton OJD2443 Modula Help with the first mandatory assignment.  
02.10.2019       No lecture - work on  mandatory exercise
08.10.2019 Patrick Ribu Gorton OJD2443 Modula  



09.10.2019 Anne S. Solberg KN Store auditorium

Introduction to Classification

Lecture slides

Exercised on HOG features and classificaition are here

Reading material: see here

For those without INF 2301: read section 10.3 in GW about thresholding before the lecture

15.10.2019 Patrick Ribu Gorton OJD2443 Modula

Exercises related to character feature extraction and classification

Proposed solutions to exercises (Matlab)


16.10.2019 Anne S. Solberg KN Store auditorium Classification 2

Lecture foils are here


Exercises are here

Reading material: section 2.4  here


22.10.2019 Kristine Hein (Substitute for Patrick) OJD2443 Modula Help with exercises and second mandatory assignment Solutions to this week's theoretical exercises


23.10.2019 Anne S. Solberg KN Store auditorium

Support vector machines

Lecture slides are here

Reading material:
Section 3.7

Section 4.17

Exercises are under (week 11)

29.10.2019 Patrick Ribu Gorton OJD2443 Modula Help with exercises and the second mandatory assignment Solution to theoretical exercises

Solution hints to programming exercise

30.10.2018 Anne S. Solberg KN Store auditorium

Feature selection & feature transforms

Lecture slides


Reading material and image files under undervisningsmateriale/week12

05.11.2019 Patrick Ribu Gorton OJD2443 Modula

Help with exercises

Solution to theoretical exercises

Proposed solutions to programming exercises

06.11.2019 Fritz Albregtsen OJD3438 Caml

Edge based segmentation

Lecture notes

Pears image: pears image

Cell image: cell image


12.11.2019 Patrick Ribu Gorton OJD2443 Modula Help with exercises Proposed solutions to programming exercises
13.11.2019 Fritz Albregtsen KN Store auditorium Lecture canceled


19.11.2018 Patrick Ribu Gorton OJD2443 Modula   Proposed solutions to programming exercises on morphology
20.11.2019 Fritz  Albregtsen OJD3438 Caml Lecture canceled


26.11.2019   OJD2443 Modula Last group session before written exam !  
27.11.2019 Fritz  Albregtsen OJD3438 Caml Mathematical morphology

Lecture notes


Images pcb.jpg and morf_test.png

And if you need, solution hints

03.12.2019 Anne S. Solberg Java SUMMARY & Previous exams


04.12.2018 Fritz  Albregtsen Perl SUMMARY & Previous exams Summary notes from Fritz
09.12.2019     Written EXAM, 4 hours, 09:00-14:00  
      Previous exams

Exam 2018

More previous exams can be found under here


Publisert 21. aug. 2019 13:34 - Sist endret 4. des. 2019 08:56