
Dato Undervises av Sted Tema Kommentarer / ressurser
19.08.2020 Fritz Albregtsen

OJD3438 "Caml",
In-person lecture

Introduction and preliminaries

Lecture Notes


Traffic sign notebook

25.08.2020 Fabian Bull Online Zoom The first exercise set - an introduction to programming and processing images.

Solution week 1

Traffic sign solution hints

26.08.2020 Fritz Albregtsen OJD3438 "Caml",
In-person lecture

Features from images: Texture (DIP4E Ch 11, pp.846-857)

Lecture notes


Traffic sign texture notebook

01.09.2020 Fabian Bull Online Zoom

Short repetition of extracting features from images using GLCM. The second exercise set.

Solution week 2

Traffic sign notebook hints




Lecture cancelled


Fabian Bull

Online Zoom

Exercises related to the Hough transform.

Powerpoint for solution

Week 3 Solution


Traffic sign notebook hints

09.09.2020 Fritz Albregtsen OJD3438 "Caml",
In-person lecture
Local to Global, Hough Transform (DIP4E Ch 10, pp737-742)

Lecture notes

Exercise text is at the back of the lecture foils.

Support files for matlab exercises:

Matlab scripts:

Matlab function for Hough transform:

Matlab function for drawing lines

Image of corridor:

Image of coins:

Exercise solution to Random Hough transform:

Matlab support function:


Traffic sign detection: Week3 notebook

15.09.2020 Fabian Bull Online Zoom

Help with the first mandatory task

No new exercises this week.

16.09.2020 Fritz Albregtsen OJD3438 "Caml",
In-person lecture
Object representation (DIP4E Ch 11)

Lecture notes


Traffic sign exercise notebook

Traffic sign hints


Fabian Bull

Online Zoom

Exercises about Object representation

Solution to programing task
23.09.2020 Fritz Albregtsen OJD3438 "Caml",
In-person lecture
Object description (DIP4E Ch 11.3 - 4)

Lecture notes

Object Shape Descriptors

Schulerud and Albregtsen 2004



29.10.2020 Fabian Bull



Online Zoom.




Help with the first mandatory assignment. 


30.09.2020   No lecture No lecture No lecture due to H?stferie/Mandatory 1 deadline
06.10.2020 Fabian Bull




Solution to object feature/shape

07.10.2020 Anne S. Solberg Digital lecture

Introduction to Classification

Lecture notes

Background text on classification is here


13.10.2020 Fabian Bull  

Exercises related to character feature extraction and classification



14.10.2020 Anne S. Solberg Digital lecture Classification 2

Lecture notes


20.10.2020 Fabian Bull   Help with exercises and second mandatory assignment  

Solution to theoretical tasks

21.10.2020 Anne S. Solberg Digital lecture

Support vector machines

Lecture notes

Reading material: Chap. 3  3.1-3,2 and 3.7 in Theodoridis

Chapter 4.17

On optimisation (not curriculum): appendix




27.10.2020 Fabian Bull   Help with exercises and the second mandatory assignment

Program with working plots

Solution to theoretical tasks

28.10.2020 Anne S. Solberg Digital lecture

Feature selection & feature transforms

Lecture slides

Supplementary reading material:
Feature selection

PCA text 1

PCA text 2


03.11.2020 Fabian Bull  

Help with exercises

Solutions for this weeks exercise

04.11.2020 Fritz Albregtsen OJD3438 "Caml",
In-person lecture

Mathematical morphology

Lecture notes


Images pcb.jpg and morf_test.png

10.11.2020 Fabian Bull   Help with exercises Solution to some exercises
11.11.2020 Fritz Albregtsen OJD3438 "Caml",
In-person lecture
Edge based segmentation

Lecture notes

Pears image: pears image

Cell image: cell image


17.11.2020 Fabian Bull   Help with exercises

Matlab solution

Python solution



24.11.2019 Fabian Bull   Last group session before written exam  
25.11.2020 Fritz & Anne Digital lecture  


Summary notes from Fritz

Summary notes from Anne

Repetion recording from Anne

02.12.2020 Fritz & Anne   Previous exam exercises

Exam 2018-Part I from Fritz

Exam 2019-Part I from Fritz

10.12.2020     Written EXAM, 4 hours, 15:00-19:00  


Publisert 17. aug. 2020 19:48 - Sist endret 6. okt. 2021 11:19