About the exam

The exam will be able as a PDF-file in Inspera, and you will submit a single PDF in Inspera.

The front page of the exam has the following text, please read to know more about it: Front page


Link to the zoom-sessions during the exam will be posted here and email to you a couple of days before the exam.


Each lecture defines a topic, and learning goals are listed for each lecture. Doing previous exam exercises is a good preparation. From 2016, all exam exercises are relevant except 2020-watershed, 2018-exercise 2 (histogram of gradients), 2016-4ij (Fisher's linear discriminant).

If you have  any questions before the exam, please email Anne and Andreas.

Publisert 4. des. 2021 10:57 - Sist endret 4. des. 2021 10:57