Devilry & obligs: this semester …

Devilry & obligs: this semester and this course is close to it's end. We (the lecturers) need to report the information about the obligs to the studie-administrasjon, so that people who did the obligs can participate. That's done via devilry. Tools like that are a help in organizing, but not without glitches. During the semester, some strange cases of registrations, software "bugs" etc happened (and of course, going through the many entries in the data bases, also myself may make the occasional oversight). So in general, the information in devilry is reliable, but nonetheless: take the time and check, if you have not done that already after each oblig, that your status is ok. Note that, when reporting to the central, I have NO information about how you did in the oblig except what I see in the devilry, if for some reason something is wrong there (typo, buggy software, anything), now is the time to check and report it.

thanks, Martin

Publisert 28. nov. 2012 10:03 - Sist endret 16. apr. 2013 13:19