(* Weekly exercises in INF3110/4110 week 37 8-13.09.2008 *) (* ML-programming *) (* Exercise 1: Characters have type "char" and constants have the form #c, where c is a character. The functions "ord" and "chr" convert between characters and character codes. In most implementations if 0 <= k <= 255, then char(k) returns the character with code k. Conversely, ord(c) returns the (ASCII) integer code of character c. The following function convert the number 5 into the character '5': - fun digit i = chr(i + ord #"0"); val digit = fn : int -> char Try the following: - ord (5); - ord #"0"; - digit 5; - digit 7; The functions "str" and "String.sub" convert between characters and strings. If s is a string then String.sub(s, n) returns the nth character in s, counting from zero. We can define the digit function in a different way: - fun digit i = String.sub("0123456789", i); val digit = fn : int -> char Try the following: - str (digit 5); - digit 5; For each version of "digit", try to guess what would be the answer when called with the following parameters (try next in the computer to check your guess): - digit ~1; - digit 10; Play with other combinations of the functions in order to understand them better. *) (* Exercise 2: Write the function fun abs (v) = ... ; that finds the absolute value of v (i.e. -v if v is negative). Example: - abs 17; val it = 17 : int - abs ~19; val it = 19 : int *) (* Exercise 3: Second degree polynomials ax^2+bx+c=0 have solutions (-b+Math.sqrt(b^2-4ac))/2a and (-b-Math.sqrt(b^2-4ac))/2a where "Math.sqrt" is the square root function in ML. Write the function fun annengrad (a, b, c) = ... ; that returns both solutions. Avoid computing the square root more than once. Example: - annengrad(1.0, 2.0, ~3.0); val it = (1.0,~3.0) : real * real - annengrad(1.0, 0.0, ~49.0); val it = (7.0,~7.0) : real * real *) (* Exercise 4: Write the function fun power (a, b) = ... ; that computes the exponentiation a^b (i.a. a multiplied by itself b times). We may assume that a and b are integers and that b>=0. Example: - power(2, 23); val it = 8388608 : int - power(~25, 2); val it = 625 : int *) (* Exercise 5: (Note that "teller" and "nevner" is Norwegian for numerator and denominator.) A fraction can be represented by the record {teller=..., nevner=...} Write the function fun add ({teller=t1,nevner=n1}, {teller=t2,nevner=n2}) = ... ; that evaluates the sum of the two fractions. (Remember the rules for fraction additions: a/b + c/d = (a*d + c*b)/(b*d) .) Example: - add({teller=1,nevner=2}, {teller=3,nevner=4}); val it = {nevner=8,teller=10} : {nevner:int, teller:int} *) (* Exercise 6: a) Write the function fun max2 (a, b) = ... ; that returns the largest of the two integers a and b Example: - max2(3, ~17); val it = 3 : int b) Write the function fun max3 (a, b, c) = ... ; that returns the largest of the three integers a, b and c. Example: - max3(4, ~5, 19); val it = 19 : int c) Write the function fun max ... = ... ; that returns the largest integer in the list of integers given as a parameter. Example: - max [7]; val it = 7 : int - max [5, ~4, ~17, 28, 13]; val it = 28 : int *) (* Exercise 7: a) Write the function fun first ... = ... ; that returns the first element in the string list given as parameter. (There exists a standard operator "hd" which does this but do not use it.) Example: - val tv = ["Det", "bodde", "en", "underlig"]; val tv = ["Det","bodde","en","underlig"] : string list - first tv; val it = "Det" : string The answer should be "" (an empty string) if the list is empty. b) Write the function fun last ... = ... ; that returns the last element in the string list given as parameter. Example: - last tv; val it = "underlig" : string The answer should be "" (an empty string) if the list is empty. c) Write the function fun nth (n,x) = ... ; that retrieves element number n from the list x. The answer should be "" (an empty string) if there is no element number n. Example: - nth(1, tv); val it = "Det" : string - nth(3, tv); val it = "en" : string - nth(5, tv); val it = "" : string *) (* Exercise 8: ("smaa" and "store" is Norwegian for small and large respectively) a) Write the function fun smaa (v, x) = ...; that returns a list of the "small" integers in the list x, i.e. the ones less than or equal to v. Example: - smaa(5, [4, 2, 8, ~2, 5, 12]); val it = [4,2,~2,5] : int list b) Write the function fun store (v, x) = ...; that works like a) but gives the "large" numbers, i.e. those that are larger than v. Example: - store(5, [4, 2, 8, ~2, 5, 12]); val it = [8,12] : int list c) Write the function fun quicksort (x) = ... ; that sorts the integer list x using the quicksort algorithm. (Quicksort amounts to selecting one element from the data and then split the other values in two groups: "small" (i.e. less than or equal to the chosen element) and "large". The two groups are sorted separately and then merged afterwards.) Example: - quicksort [5, 4, 2, 8, ~2, 5, 12]; val it = [~2,2,4,5,5,8,12] : int list *)