
Published June 22, 2017 12:08 PM

Grunnet problemer med Inspera er sensuren noe forsinket. Den vil mest sannsynlig foreligge mandag 26.juni


Due to problems with Inspera is the grading somewhat delayed. The grading will most likely be published Monday June 26th.

Published May 29, 2017 3:25 PM


Eksamenssettet skal besvares digitalt, med unntak av noen enkeltoppgaver skal besvares med penn og papir. Se instruksjonsvideo.

Arkene du bruker til ? besvare penn- og papiroppgavene, er spesialtilpassede "skisseark" som blir delt ut i eksamenslokalet. Du leverer inn skissearkene p? vanlig m?te etter endt eksamen. Arkene blir deretter skannet av eksamensvaktene og lastet opp til din digitale besvarelse. Det er derfor viktig at du fyller ut skissearkene p? riktig m?te. Skissearkene m? fylles ut med bl? eller sort kulepenn (ta med dette selv). Det er ikke anledning til ? bruke blyant eller penn med annen farge. Se "Instruksjon for digital h?ndtegning" (ligger p? pult). ...

Published May 2, 2017 1:05 PM

As originally planned, the lecture on May 4th will be a repetition of the course syllabus.

Lecture will be given in English.

Published May 2, 2017 9:48 AM

Screencast fra infom?te om digital eksamen her 

Published Apr. 24, 2017 12:35 PM

Compulsory Assignment 2

The assignment should be solved in groups of 2 – 4 students, unless you have been granted other arrangements.

Assignment due date: 4th of Mai 2017, 23:59


Published Mar. 16, 2017 5:36 PM

Mike Long from Praqma will talk about Test Driven Development:

Test-driven development turns software development practices on their head. This lecture will show how TDD helps to build quality into software rather than trying to glue it on afterwards with QA processes and manual testing. We will look at the various types of test automation, how they work, and how they complement each other in a software development environment.

Published Mar. 15, 2017 7:45 PM
Published Feb. 13, 2017 6:46 PM

Hi all, 

The Tuesday seminar scheduled on 14.02, from 10:15-12:00 is moved to 14:15-16:00 in Caml (same day).

This session will be held in English, and all students are welcome to attend. 


Published Feb. 10, 2017 2:43 PM

Slides from the Wednesday seminars (14:15-16:00) can now be found under "Weekly tasks" -> "Solutions".

Published Feb. 8, 2017 4:59 PM

You are supposed to work in groups of 2-4 persons for the two "oblig" you will have later in the semester. If you know the persons you will work with, you can do this in; choose  arrange "oblig" groups, and select the persons in the croup and create the group. You can also get help from your teaching assistant/gruppel?rer in the group or by sending mail.

Published Jan. 26, 2017 6:01 PM

Lecture slides and weekly tasks can be found in the left menu.

Published Jan. 20, 2017 4:21 PM

Det ?pnes for etteranmelding i INF3121/4121 fra mandag 23. januar kl 0900. Etteranmelding foreg?r p? studentweb og det er f?rstmann til m?lla p? ledige plasser.