Undervisningsplan (Fellesgruppe - V?r 2014)

Dato Undervises av Sted Tema Kommentarer / ressurser
20.01.2014 Henrik Bj?rlo KN 1207 (Lille aud) Network recap and terminal tools Recap/intro to certain network concepts.

Learning some basic UNIX/Linux-commands and how to use simple tools to debug certain problems or get certain kinds of information.

27.01.2014 Henrik Bj?rlo KN 1207 (Lille aud) C programming What actually happens when you compile a C program?

Concepts that make us able to write better code that performs well, is easy to read and debug. Common mistakes. Time permitting, basic usage of git to manage source code and and cscope to navigate C code.

Wed 05.02.2014
Henrik Bj?rlo OJD Sem.rom Caml (3438) Wrap up from last time

Socket programming
Quickly go through git part from last week's slides.

Put concepts of good code to use through improving chat application from last year (2013/week2/ in the repository), and use git along the way.
10.02.2014 Henrik Bj?rlo KN 1207 (Lille aud) Layer 1 Services and functions in the physical layer. Multiplexing, baseband and passband modulation. Cables and radios. 

Oblig 1 Q&A

17.02.2014 Henrik Bj?rlo KN 1207 (Lille aud) Layer 2 Services and functions in the data link layer. Frames, logical link control, media access control. Network switches.

Wed 26.02.2014
Henrik Bj?rlo OJD Sem.rom Caml (3438) L1 and L2 exercises & terminology We'll go through some of the exercises available on the previous years' group lecture pages. We will also talk about and recap some important terminology (exam related).

Terminology slides
03.03.2014 Henrik Bj?rlo KN 1207 (Lille aud) Home exam Q&A Q&A regarding the home exam.

Layer 3 exercises

10.03.2014 Henrik Bj?rlo KN 1207 (Lille aud) Routing Routing algorithms. Home exam questions as needed.

Wed 19.03.2014
Henrik Bj?rlo OJD Sem.rom Caml (3438) Routing cont. Same slides as last time. Programming.
24.03.2014 Henrik Bj?rlo KN 1207 (Lille aud) C programming Advanced techniques in C (source code)

Home exam questions
Wed 02.04.2014
Henrik Bj?rlo OJD Sem.rom Caml (3438) Home exam Q&A, IP topics Home exam 2 Q&A

IPv4 vs. IPv6. ICMP and its uses.

07.04.2014 Henrik Bj?rlo KN 1207 (Lille aud) Transport layer, Home exam Q&A Transport layer exercises (week 10, 2012)

Home exam 2 questions
Wed 30.04.2014
Henrik Bj?rlo OJD Sem.rom Caml (3438) Congestion control Congestion control

05.05.2014 Henrik Bj?rlo KN 1207 (Lille aud) Application layer Application layer exercises (week 12, 2012)

Final exam questions
12.05.2014 Henrik Bj?rlo KN 1207 (Lille aud) Exam prep Pr?veeksamen V06

Final exam questions
19.05.2014 Henrik Bj?rlo KN 1207 (Lille aud) Exam prep Last group session - Final exam questions

NB: Uregelmessig tid og sted for undervisning er uthevet med r?d kursiv i planen.

Oppgaver og materiale fra tidligere ?r

Oppgavene finner du her

L?sningsforslagene, annen kode skrevet/demonstrert p? gruppetimene og andre ting finner du her

Gamle eksamensoppgaver

Publisert 19. jan. 2014 19:49 - Sist endret 19. mai 2014 11:39