
Publisert 4. nov. 2015 11:49

Lab 3 has now been extended with 3 more tasks and is complete. Download the latest version here. Maybe more hints and help will be added in the coming days. If that happens it will be announced on the webpage and by mail.

Publisert 28. okt. 2015 16:03

A preliminary version of Lab 3 is now published. It defines 5 tasks that will be part of the final version, so you can get started on those 5 tasks. It is highly recommended that you do so! The Lab will be extended next week.

Publisert 2. okt. 2015 12:54

I just uploaded a new version of lab 2 with one small correction: I had written 20uV voltage source at one point where it should say a 20uA current source. So that is now corrected. Please download the file again, if you have already done so!

Publisert 2. okt. 2015 12:10

Please check the status of lab 1 in Devilry! For a few of you we ask for some improvements with the new deadline being next Wednesday 7-Oct-2015 17:00 before it can be accepted! Make sure that you know if this is required of you!!!

Publisert 15. sep. 2015 09:50
On Wednesday there is a conflict with inf4300 which some students are also taking. Thus, we will NOT swap paper exercises and lecture: the lectures stay on Fridays.
Publisert 10. sep. 2015 11:20

regarding previously approved lab 1: Everybody that has had lab 1 approved in a previous year, you will have to let me know before Friday! Thus, I can verify your claim and let you know immediately, if there is a problem.

So please send me your name and the year in which you have passed lab 1!

Publisert 9. sep. 2015 15:09

(sorry for the previous message in Norwegian, but I assume everybody has been able to understand it. Otherwise, let me know!)

As mentioned in the last lecture I plan to swap the times and location of the paper exercises and the lecture. Thus, if no-one objects per e-mail to me before the next lecture on Friday 11-Sep-2015, this will be the last lecture on Fridays. Thus, the first lecture on Wednesdays will be on the 16-Sep-2015. (I will have to leave 11:30 that first time, so I suggest we skip the break and the lecture will be from 10:15-11:30).

Publisert 9. sep. 2015 15:03

Noen av dere har spurt meg om de som allerede har gjennomf?rt lab 1 og har f?tt det godkjent m? gj?re det om igjen. Siden den er bare best?tt, ikke best?tt og bare littegrann forskjellig fra i fjor, vil jeg da tillate at de som allerede har best?tt det kan slippe ? gj?re det om igjen.

Lab 2 og 3 derimot, m? alle ta p? nytt siden de teller til sluttkarakter!!!

Publisert 4. sep. 2015 11:17

we need to establish the lab groups and the time slots for the groups. Please send an e-mail to both Joar (see CC) and me for each group indicating.

1) The group members
2) prefered time slot (either Thursdays 12-14 OR Fridays 12-14)

*** BY WEDNESDAY 9-SEP-2015 ***

I'll set you up on Devilry accordingly. If there are too many groups either on Fridays or Thursdays, we'll try to reshuffle, but let's hope that your preferences will result in a good balance.

Publisert 28. aug. 2015 12:34

Remember that the first paper exercise is scheduled next Wednesday, 2-Sep-2015!

Also, the Doodl poll has spoken and the lab times shall be on Thursdays 12-14 and Fridays 12-14. First labs will be on the 10th and 11th of September.

Publisert 21. aug. 2015 12:25

Dear students of INF3410/4411,


please follow the link to the Doodle poll below and tick of the times for which you would be able to work on your lab assignments. Two out of the three choices will be picked next week and Joar will be present at those times. Also, everybody will have to decide on grouping with up to three others for the lab assignment and each group will have to pick one of the two time slots when they will be guaranteed a lab-space.


Note that you will be able to work on the lab assignments at any other time as well, but without the lab assistant being present.


Doodle link: