Hint for lab 2

Thomas and I and one of the groups working on lab 2 just stumbled over a problem that others migh also face:

1) Always connect the power supplies of your IC to Vdd and Gnd (I believe these are pins 7 and 14)

2) Since the gate of a PFET and NFET are shorted, if you want to use the PFET independently, a) use one of the pairs where the source is NOT connected to the bulk. b) For the NFET that you do not want to use, short its drain and source together to the drain of the PFET (the drains are shorted anyway).

If these instructions are unclear, talk to Thomas.

Publisert 9. okt. 2017 10:27 - Sist endret 9. okt. 2017 10:27