
Published June 22, 2017 12:09 PM

Grunnet problemer med Inspera er sensuren noe forsinket. Den vil mest sannsynlig foreligge mandag 26.juni


Due to problems with Inspera is the grading somewhat delayed. The grading will most likely be published Monday June 26th.

Published May 29, 2017 3:24 PM


This exam is to be answered digitally. A few specific tasks will, however, be answered with pen and paper. We advise you to look at this instruction video for more information.  

The sheets you will use to answer the pen and paper tasks are specialized sheets. These sheets will be handed out in the examination room. You will hand in the sheets as usual when you are finished with the exam. The sheets will then be scanned by an invigilator and uploaded to your digital exam in Inspera. It is therefore vital that you fill out the sheets correctly. The sheets must be filled out with either a blue or a black pen (please bring your own pen for this). It is not possible to use a pencil or...

Published May 2, 2017 9:49 AM

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