
Dato Undervises av Sted Tema Kommentarer / ressurser
29.08.2012 Fritz Albregtsen and Anne S. Solberg? KN 1207 (Lille aud)? Introduction and preliminaries? Lecture notes


05.09.2012 Fritz Albregtsen? KN 1207 (Lille aud)? Features from images: Texture (G&W 11.3.3)? Lecture notes (revised)


12.09.2012 Fritz Albregtsen? KN 1207 (Lille aud)? Local to Global, Hough Transform (G&W 10.2)? Lecture notes

Exercise text is at the back of the lecture foils.

Support files for matlab exercises:

Matlab scripts:

Matlab function for Hough transform:

"Matlab function for drawing lines:": http://www.ifi.uio.no/~inf3300/2007H/draw_lines.m

Image of corridor:

Image of coins:

Exercise solution to Random Hough transform:

Matlab support function:?

19.09.2012 Fritz Albregtsen? KN 1207 (Lille aud)? Region and edge based segmentation (G&W 10.4, 10.5, 10.6)? Lecture notes


26.09.2012 Anne S. Solberg? KN 1207 (Lille aud)? Object representation (G&W 11.1)? Lecture notes


Mandatory term project, Part I?

03.10.2012 ? ? ? ?
10.10.2012 Fritz Albregtsen? KN 1207 (Lille aud)? Object description (G&W 11.2, 11.3)? Lecture notes


17.10.2012 Anne S. Solberg? KN 1207 (Lille aud)? Classification 1? Lecture notes


24.10.2012 Anne S. Solberg? KN 1207 (Lille aud)? Classification 2? Lecture notes


?Solution to selected exercises?

31.10.2012 Fritz Albregtsen? KN 1207 (Lille aud)? Classification 3? Lecture notes

Mandatory exercise part II?

07.11.2012 ? ? No lecture this week? No lecture this week due to conference travel.?
14.11.2012 Anne S. Solberg? ? Morphology? Lecture notes


Solution hints??

21.11.2012 ? ? ? ?
27.11.2012 Anne/Fritz/Andreas? ? General feedback mandatory exercise? On the groups tuesday November 27, Fritz and Anne will shortly present common pitfalls for mandatory exercise 1 and general feedback for exercise 2.

After that, you should spent the time working on exams from previous years 2008, 2009 and 2011.?

28.11.2012 Fritz Albregtsen and Anne S. Solberg? KN 1207 (Lille aud)? Course summary? Part 1 (Fritz)

Part 2 (Anne)?

04.12.2012 Andreas Kleppe? ? Go through previous exam solutions? Andreas will solve selected exercises from previous exams (2008, 2009 and 2011)


Publisert 17. aug. 2012 13:08 - Sist endret 4. des. 2012 21:30