
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
26.01.2010Snorre Aunet ("SA")? Lille Auditorium, Ifi? introduksjon til INF4420? Slides. Slides, two per page . ?
02.02.2010SA, Amir Hasanbegovic ("AH")? Lille Auditorium, Ifi.? From chapter 8 i "Johns & Martin". + SW intro (Cadence)? Slides. Slides, two per page . Other relevant material .?
09.02.2010SA? Lille Aud.? from chapters 8 and 9 in "Johns & Martin".? Slides. Slides, two per page . ?
16.02.2010SA? Lille Aud.? 9.2-9.6, 10.1-10.2? Slides Slides, two per page?
23.02.2010SA? Lille Aud.? Chapter 10.3,--> , chapter 11.? Slides. Slides, two per page .?
02.03.2010SA? Lille Aud.? chapter 12; Nyquist-rate DACs? Slides Slides, two per page Charge injection ?
09.03.2010SA? Lille Aud.? chapter 13; Nyquist-rate ADCs I? Slides Slides, two per page Papers?
16.03.2010SA? Lille Aud.? chapter 13.6, 13.7, beginning of chapter 14: Oversampling Converters? Slides Slides, two per page Nifty gadget ?
23.03.2010SA? Lille Aud.? Chapter 14; Oversampling Converters? Slides Slides, two per page SD_paper 2nd SD paper ?
30.03.2010? ? ? No teaching in week 13.?
06.04.2010? ? ? No teaching in week 14, due to Easter holidays.?
13.04.2010SA? Lille Aud.? chapter 16; PLLs, report writing? Preliminary..Slides Slides, two per page ?
20.04.2010SA, AH? Lille Aud.? ---? (SA delayed from Vienna, after the volcano outbreak on Iceland.)?
27.04.2010SA? 3 D? Discussions regarding the final report.? Discussions regarding the final report.?
11.05.2010SA, AH? Lille Aud.? presentation of the project work.? Prepare a 10-15 minutes presentation of the work from each project group.?
14.05.2010AH? room 3A.? Selected problems relevant for the exam.? Problems from Exam 2009?
05.05.2010? ? ? ?
25.05.2010SA? Store Aud. Ifi.? brief repetition of important subjects from INF4420 / INF9425? Slides, two per page . Lecture notes, January_April . ?
Publisert 26. des. 2009 17:30 - Sist endret 1. juni 2010 19:05