
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
25.01.2011Snorre Aunet ("SA")? Perl, 2453, Ole Johan Dahls hus? introduksjon til INF4420? Slides. Slides, two per page . ?
01.02.2011SA? Perl? Bandgap references (11.1-11.4) Intro to SC-circuits (12.2-12.3)? Slides. Slides, two per page . ?
08.02.2011SA? Perl? Included: sampling switches, charge injection ("Razavi" ch. 12.1-12.3). Material from ch. 2 Data Converters Spec., from "Maloberti".? Slides. Slides, two per page . ?
15.02.2011SA? Perl? basic stuff about (Nyquist) data converters, mostly from chapters 1 and 2 in "Maloberti". ? Slides Slides, two per page?
22.02.2011SA? Perl? Primarely Chapter 3 in "Maloberti"; Nyquist DACs.? Slides. Slides, two per page .?
01.03.2011SA? Perl? Nyquist ADCs? Slides Slides, two per page ?
08.03.2011SA? Perl? material from chapters 12.3 (SC amplifiers), 12.4 (SC integrator) in "Razavi".? Slides Slides, two per page ?
15.03.2011SA? Perl? Oversampling converters, ch. 14 in "J&M".? Slides Slides, two per page ?
22.03.2011SA? Perl? From ch. 13 in "Razavi"; "Nonlinearity and mismatch".? Slides Slides, two per page ?
29.03.2011SA? Perl? Oscillators (Ch. 14.1, 14.2, 14.4.1,14.5)+some material on PLLs (Ch.15)? Slides. Slides, two per page . ?
05.04.2011SA? Perl? More on PLLs (ch. 15.1, 15.2 in "Razavi"). We'll also discuss project reports and give advice on those. Some material on layout (ch. 18.) if time permits.? Slides, two per page. DLL .?
12.04.2011SA? Perl? Layout (ch. 18 in "Razavi"), Short Channel Effects and Device Models (Ch. 16)? Preliminary..Slides . Slides, 2 per page?
19.04.2011SA? Perl? ---? No teaching, due to easter.?
26.04.2011SA? Perl? ---? ?
03.05.2011SA? Perl? About the project and the final presentation. Feedback on the reports, for those interested.? About the project and the final presentations?
10.05.2011SA, KKL? Perl? project presentations? Groups that presented their project?
31.05.2011SA? Perl? Information about the final exam.? Some relevant information about the final exam, including curriculum etc, will be given. Slides .?
Publisert 27. jan. 2011 13:36 - Sist endret 1. juni 2011 12:45