Setting up Cadence Virtuoso 6.1.4 for used with TSMC 90nm LP

  1. Before starting, you must sign the NDA (contact J?rgen for the NDA document)
  2. Make a directory for the project (e.g. mkdir cadence_inf4420)
  3. Change to the project directory (e.g. cd cadence_inf4420)
  4. Run the initialization script, "/projects/nano/kurs/INF4420/setup/init"

Running Cadence

  1. Change to the project directory (e.g. cd cadence_inf4420)
  2. Setup the environment for running Cadence, Calibre, etc., "source CRN90LP_session"
  3. Start Cadence, "virtuoso"


Publisert 31. jan. 2012 12:41 - Sist endret 31. jan. 2012 13:02