
Dato Undervises av Sted Tema Kommentarer / ressurser
23.01.2015 Tor Skeie OJD Seminarrom Perl Introduction to the course Introduction
23.01.2015 Steinar Bj?rnstad OJD Seminarrom Perl Fiber-optical communication Fiber-optical
06.02.2015 Tor Skeie OJD Seminarrom Perl IP-router architecture Router
13.02.2015 Morten Engels?str?   OJD Seminarrom Perl MPLS applications   MPLS
27.02.2015 Taric Cicic  OJD Seminarrom Perl Multicast i Internet   Multicast
06.03.2015 Felix Leder OJD Seminarrom Perl Cyber security and malware analysis  
13.03.2015 Tor Skeie OJD Seminarrom Perl IP QoS frameworks: IntServ & DiffServ   QoS
20.03.2015 Yan Zhang OJD Seminarrom Perl Interenet of Things IoT
10.04.2015 ---------------- ----------------------------- ---------------------  
17.04.2015 Paal E. Engelstad OJD Seminarrom Perl  IPv6 IPv6
24.04.2015 Sabita Maharjan OJD Seminarrom Perl WLAN communications WLAN
08.05.2015 Lars Strand OJD Seminarrom Perl SIP (Session Initiation Protocol), IMS and Multimedia signalling  


Publisert 25. nov. 2014 11:25 - Sist endret 24. apr. 2015 10:02