Dear Students, you will find …

Dear Students, you will find examples of good project reports from last year's course under deirectory undervisningsmateriale/project-report. Please keep in mind, however, that even these reports, while being good examples, were not perfect.

Please also remember that during the 2nd hour of tomorrow's lecture there will be an opportunity to ask questions about homework assignment 1 and the project as a whole. In addition, I will give information about the short presentation each student has to give during lecture 5 (Sep 20).

Note that lecture 4 on 'Lean processes' will be run by Bente Anda. I won't be present during that lecture. Thus, you should take the opportunity given tomorrow during lecture 3 to ask questions about the presentations that you have to give in lecture 5.

Published Sep. 5, 2012 11:45 AM - Last modified Apr. 16, 2013 1:20 PM