Dear Students, during yesterday's lecture …

Dear Students, during yesterday's lecture (i.e., lecture 3 on agile processes) we had a question/answer session about homework 1. During this session I gave a hint about my own solution of Task 2. It is as follows: I have a total of 4 top-level activities and 3 top-level artifacts (products) which are arranged as follows:

act1 -> prod1 <-> act2 -> prod2 -> act3 -> prod3 -> act 4

Note that some activities and some products have sub-activities and sub-products in my solution. Also, I have roles attached to all activities and to some activities I have attached methods/techniques/tools.

For those students who attended yesterday's lecture: Apologies if I confused you because I got confused about my own notation when I drew the figure on the white board. What I meant to draw is exactly what I have written above! Thus, forget whatever you have copied from the white board yesterday.

To avoid that I get confused when reading your solutions, make sure to clearly define all symbols you use in case you decide to use a graphical notation in Task 2.

Final note: Please remember that your solution can be fully correct even if it does not resemble my solution. It is always possible to interpret some elements of a verbal process description in different ways. And even if two persons interpret the verbal process description in exactly the same way, they might still decide to model it differently.

Published Sep. 7, 2012 3:23 PM - Last modified Apr. 16, 2013 1:20 PM