Dear Students, I have now …

Dear Students, I have now uploaded the schedule for the short presentations you will give during lecture 5. You find the schedule in directory undervisningsmateriale in the lecture-notes folder (--> lecture 5). Please inform me as soon as possible, if I forgot to include you in the list of presenters.

This is the order of presenters:

  • During hour 1: everyone who submitted homework 1 and has the last name staring with any of the letters 'A' to 'D'.
  • During hour 2: everyone who submitted homework 1 and has the last name starting with any of the letters 'E' to 'N'.
  • During hour 3: everyone who submitted homework 1 and has the last name starting with any of the letters 'O' to 'Z'.

Please remember: Since there are 34 students active in this course, you only have a maximum of 4 minutes for your presentation (including 1 minute for questions/answers). If you plan to show slides, please make sure to send me your slides (in either PDF or PowerPoint format) at the very latest until 15.30 on Tuesday, Sep 18. Don't use more than 3 slides (plus cover slide)!

Published Sep. 13, 2012 12:39 PM - Last modified Apr. 16, 2013 1:20 PM