
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
25.08.2003Judith Gregory? C319 Vilhelm Bjerknes hus? Introduction?
  • What is CSCW?
  • Definitions of CSCW


  • Ellis et al. 1991
  • Grudin 1994a
01.09.2003Judith Gregory? C319 Vilhelm Bjerknes hus? Case studies in CSCW? Literature:
  • Orlikowski 1992a (Lotus Notes)
  • Grudin & Palen 1995
  • Fitzpatrick et al. 1995
  • Trigg et al. 1999
08.09.2003Judith gregory? Room to be determined (TBD)? ?
  • What is cooperative work?
  • Strauss' theory of articulation work
  • Social worlds


  • Schmidt and Bannon 1992
  • Fitzpatrick et al. 1995
  • Nardi et al. 2000
19.09.2003Judith Gregory? ? CSCW in organizational contexts: organization & management? Literature:
  • Ciborra 1996
  • Perin 1991
  • Herbsleb et. al 2000
22.09.2003Judith Gregory? ? Coordination mechanisms and workflow systems in and for CSCW? Literature:

  • Bowers et al. 1995;
  • Carstensen & S?rensen 1996
29.09.2003Judith Gregory? ? Cultural Historical Activity Theory: Dialectical theory on mediation of social practices and cooperative work? Literature:

  • Kuutti 1991
  • Bardram 1997
  • Bardram 1998
  • Engestrom 2000
06.10.2003Judith Gregory? ? Structuration Theory (Giddens): Dialectical theory on structuring of social processes in organizational cultures? Literature:

  • Orlikowski 1992b (Duality)
  • Giddens (elements of structuration) not in the pensum, will be handed out
13.10.2003Tone Bratteig? ? Actor-Network Theory: relations and interactions in human-technological ensembles? Literature:

  • Berg 1997
  • Hanseth & Monteiro 1997
  • Sandahl 1999

  • Kari + presenting Berg 1997
20.10.2003Judith Gregory ? ? A theory of communication (Speech act theory) and debate in CSCW? Literature:

  • Flores et al. 1988;
  • Suchman 1994;
  • Winograd 1994;
  • Debate in CSCW Journal (3)1 (selected excerpts)
27.10.2003Judith Gregory? ? CSCW in work contexts? Literature:

  • Bowers & Martin 2000
  • Gutwin & Greenberg 1998
  • Nardi et al. 2000

Review of social theories towards CSCW: Activity Theory & Structuration Theory?

03.11.2003Judith Gregory? ? Diverse themes in CSCW: Away from the desktop; Mobility, Awareness; Tangibility? Literature:

  • Brave et al. 1998
  • Luff & Heath 1998
  • Taylor & Harper 2002
  • Bowers & Martin 1999

Review of social theories towards CSCW: Actor-network Theory, Articulation & Coordination, Speech Act theory?

10.11.2003Judith Gregory? ? Diverse themes in CSCW: Visualization, Heterogeneity and Standardization? Literature:

  • Clement & Wagner 1995
  • Heps? 1997
  • Benford et al. 1997

Review of social theories towards CSCW: Actor-network Theory, Articulation & Coordination, Speech Act theory?

19.11.2003Judith Gregory? 10:15-12:00, ROOM 208, FP II? CSCW going forward: Designing for cooperation and collaboration? NOTE DATE AND TIME CHANGE: THERE WILL BE NO SESSION ON 17 NOV.


  • Kyng 2000
  • O?Day et al. 2001

Review of core concepts?

24.11.2003Judith Gregory? ? CSCW going forward: Challenges for Designers? Literature:

  • Cohen et al. 2000
  • Robinson 1993
  • Grudin 1994
01.12.2003Judith Gregory? ? Summing up? ?
Published June 16, 2003 8:12 PM - Last modified Sep. 15, 2004 12:30 PM