
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
22.01.2008Sisse og Anders? InterMediaLab, the INFRA room, InterMedia? Introduction to the course. Joint lecture with TOOL 5100 (CSCL)? ?
29.01.2008Anders? InterMediaLab, the INFRA room, InterMedia? Introduction to CSCW and CSCL. Joint lecture with TOOL 5100 (CSCL)? Mandatory: Ellis et al. (1991)

Grudin (1994)?

05.02.2008Sisse? InterMediaLab, the INFRA room, InterMedia? Method - the study of work. Joint lecture with TOOL 5100 (CSCL)? Mandatory: Blomberg et. al. (1993)

Brown et al. (2007)

Additionals: Forsythe (1991)

Bentley et al. (1992)?

12.02.2008Kathrine (og Sisse og Anders)? InterMediaLab, the INFRA room, InterMedia? Cultural Historical Activity Theory. Joint lecture with TOOL 5100? Mandatory: Engestr?m (2001)

Kaptelinin & Nardi (2006)

Additionals: Kuutti (1991)

Bardram (1998)?

19.02.2008Sisse? ? ? There's no lecture - work on your essays?
26.02.2008Sisse? Visningsrummet, InterMedia? What is cooperative work? Strauss' theory of articulation work, social worlds? Mandatory: Schmidt & Bannon (1992)

Fitzpactric et al. (1995)

Gasser (1986)

Turn in a first draft of your essay (max. 1 page) pr. person by e-mail to Astrid.?

04.03.2008Sisse? Visningsrummet, InterMedia? Actor-Network Theory (ANT)? Mandatory: Berg (1997)

Aarnestad (2003)

Hanseth & Monteiro (1997)

Presentation by: Dibyadhar "The Camera as an Actor", Aarnestad?

11.03.2008Sisse? Visningsrummet, InterMedia? Structuration Theory? Mandatory readings: Orlikowski (1992)

DeSanctis et al. (1994)

Additionals: Dreiem (1998)

Giddens (1984)

Presentation by: Kim "The duality of technology", Orlikowski?

18.03.2008Sisse? ? Easter holidays? There's no lecture?
25.03.2008? ? From desktop to mobility + Mobility/globalization? Mandatory: Belotti & Bly (1996)

Luff & Heath (1998)

Kristoffersen & Ljungberg (1999)

Grinter & Eldridge (2003)

Additionals: Grinter et al. (2002)

Hindmarsh et al. (2002)

Taylor & Harper (2002)

Presentation by: Simen "Mobility in Collaboration", Luff & Heath

Presentation by: Promila "Walking Away from the Desktop Computer", Belotti & Bly?

01.04.2008Sisse? Visningsrummet, InterMedia? Coordination mechanisms and workflow systems in and for CSCW? Mandatory: Bowers et al. (1995)

Carstensen & S?rensen (1996)

Presentation by: Lars "From the Social to the Systematic", Carsten & S?rensen

Midterm evaluation of the course?

08.04.2008Sisse? Visningsrummet, InterMedia? CSCW in organizational contexts: organization and management? Mandatory: Ciborra (1996)

Perin (1991)

Herbsleb et al. (2000)

Presentation by: Fernando "Introduction: What does Groupware Mean...", Ciborra.

Midterm: Turn in a second draft of your essay (max. 5 pages pr. person) by e-mail to Astrid.?

15.04.2008Sisse? Visningsrummet, InterMedia? CSCW in work contexts? Mandatory: Bowers & Martin (1999)

Clement & Wagner (1995)

Presentation by: Thorbj?rn "Fragmented Exchange", Clement & Wagner?

22.04.2008Sisse? ? There's no lecture...? Work on your essays?
29.04.2008Sisse? Visningsrummet, InterMedia? Implementation - CSCW? Mandatory: Bowers (1994)

Orlikowski (1992)

Grudin & Palen (1995)

Presentation by: Imtiaz "Why Groupware Succeeds", Grudin & Palen

Presentation by: Ole "The work to make a network work", Bowers?

06.05.2008Sisse? Visningsrummet, InterMedia? Design of CSCW ? Mandatory: Grudin (1994b)

Robinson (1993)

Kyng (2000)

Grinter (1997)

Additionals: Cohen et al. (2000)

O'Day et al. (2001)

Presentation by: Tsega "Designing for Cooperation", Kyng

Presentation by: Milagros "Groupware and Social Dynamics", Grudin

Presentation by: Trond "From workplace to development...", Grinter

Presentation by: Inam "Design for unanticipated use...", Robinson?

13.05.2008Sisse? Visningsrummet, InterMedia? Speech Act Theory + Sum up on course? Mandatory: Suchman (1994)

Winograd (1994)

Additionals: Flores (1988)

Star & Bowker (2007)

Presentation by: Espen "Do Categories have Politics?", Suchman

Presentation by: Robert "Categories, Disciplines...", Winograd?

20.05.2008Sisse? ? There's no lecture.....? Turn in your final essays at 2PM (pdf-file by email to Astrid). The submitted essays are not to exceed 10 pages pr. person, including table of content and biography (excl. appendix) + they should be set in Times New Roman 12, 1.5 spacing. The essays have to be approved before you can attend the exam.?
27.05.2008Sisse og Anders? InterMediaLab, the INFRA room, InterMedia? Joint lecture with TOOL 5100 (CSCL)? Presentation of your projects (essays)?
03.06.2008? ? ? Oral exam. Letter-grade system (A - F)(bokstavkarakter)?
04.06.2008? ? ? Oral and written exam. Letter-grade system (A - F)(bokstavkarakter)?
Published Jan. 26, 2007 11:35 AM - Last modified May 16, 2008 6:46 PM