INF5200 Participation, Deliverables and Report

INF5200 has an extensive and complex, yet thoroughly selected, syllabus. To help each student get the most out of the course, participation in class and the production of a certain number of deliverables is mandatory, along with a short midterm report.

Participation - 10 discussion sessions

Each student must participate in 10 of 13 discussion sessions conducted in relation to the lecture.

The discussion will centre around the relevant readings and topics for the day. The individual type of contribution in the discussion is up to the student to decide. The discussions will be supervised and moderated by the teaching assistant, but the students' contribution will form a major part of the discussion session.

The student is encouraged to use the reading note as a basis for his or her discussion.

Participation is not graded.

Deliverables - 10 reading notes

Each student must produce 10 reading notes based on the literature of the week; one reading note per week. The reading note shall be between 1/3 and 1 page of typed text.

The topic of the reading note is up to the student to decide. For example, the reading note might be the students own summary of that week’s readings. Students are highly encouraged to use the reading note as a space for reflection, discussion and idea synthesis. The reading notes will be used as a point of departure for the discussion in class.

As with all academic texts, if the student chooses to quote the literature, the reading notes are expected to comply with academic standards for citations.

The reading notes will not be graded.


The reading note shall be submitted through Devilry as a PDF no later than right before the lecture. Feedback will be given through Devilry.

Obligatory Report

The students will groupwise produce a written report where topics from the course syllabus is put into context, explored and employed. The groups are to choose between the following two tasks:

  • Compare two theories from the CSCW literature
  • Employ a theory from the CSCW field on a case (preferrably your own)

The report is expected to make good use of the course syllabus. The report can also reference other literature if this is necessary or wanted in the report.

The final written report is not to exceed 5 pages, excluding bibliography and appendixes.

Grading and feedback

The report will be graded as PASS/FAIL. Students must receive a PASS on the report in order to be admitted to the final exam in INF5200.

The teaching assistant will invite each group to a short feedback session.


Students will themselves form groups of 3-5 people. Students who cannot find a group are encouraged to contact the teaching assistant, who will provide assistance. Each group is requested to submit a list of its members no later than directly after the second lecture. This list is to be submitted through Devilry.

The groups are strongly encouraged to write the report together (group writing): The reading notes can and should form a good basis for discussion and encourage productivity within the groups.


The report shall be submitted through Devilry as a PDF no later than 2013-05-21 15:00. Feedback will be given through Devilry.

Please make sure that all group members names are included in the report.

By Damsleth, Wilhelm Arthur Sandberg
Published Jan. 22, 2013 1:56 PM - Last modified May 20, 2013 12:28 PM