Sammendrag av "CONTEXT-AWARE COMMUNICATION" skrevet av Bill N. Schilit, David M. Hilbert og Jonathan Trevor Context-aware computing applications examine and react to a user?s changing context in order to help promote and mediate people?s interactions with each other and their environment. Trend to go from manual to automatic. Article takes on a broad definition on communication. Suggests a two dimensional view of communicative applications; context acquisition and communication action - both ranging from manual to autonomous. Etherphone by Xerox PARC allowed people to update a computer system with their location and thereby allowing routing of phonecalls to more locations than just the persons own office. Also each person connected to the system were given their own distinct ringtone. Etherphone 2 added Olivetti Active Badge system for automatic location sensing. The more autonomous a system is, the less intelligent it is because the human control aspect disappears. Therefore the more autonomous a system gets, the more work the users has to put up front in specifying rules and exceptions. The UMD system is an autonomous message system for both sensing and communication acts. Routing is about deciding contextually appropriate physical endpoints, while addressing is about contextually appropriate people. Dey?s dynamically changing mailing list was a new way of addressing email-style communication to a group of people who are selected by their location. PARCTAV multi-user whiteboard supported real-time communication among a group of people selected by their common location and project membership. Sharing an awareness of one?s environment and the context of ones acquaintances can help determine if another person is available for communication, and can also create serendipitous opportunities for communication. AwareNex mixes instant messaging with calendar information, desktop activity and telephone activity. Autonomous systems introduces a loss in privacy. This is in addition to the loss of "common sense" of the system as humans are removed from the loop. The article suggestes that designers of context-aware systems should consider the following aspects: Imroving relevance, minimizing disruption, improving awareness, reducing overload and selecting channels. The article futher encurages researchers to question whether autonomy are fundamentally brittle when facing the real world.