Sp?rsm?l nr. 3: > Hei, …

Sp?rsm?l nr. 3: > Hei, > > I din Ph.D. avhandling st?r det ang. Garbage Collection p? side 101 (113 i pdf) > > > If a node is currently unavailable (e.g., has crashed) when a mark-gray message is sent to > > it then the reference is ignored for the moment. Eventually the only gray references left are > > to objects on unreachable nodes. At this point, the collectors exchange information about the > > remaining gray objects so that every collector knows which objects still need to be scanned. > > When an unavailable node becomes available again, the collectors continue marking gray > > objects until either the collection is done or there is a gray reference to an object on an > > unavailable node. The collectors again exchange gray sets and wait for a node to become > > available. This process is repeated until the collection completes, at which point garbage > > objects and object descriptors can be collected. Note that it is not necessary for all nodes to > > be up simultaneously—it is only necessary for each node to be available long enough for the > > collection to make progress over time. > > Om en node g?r ned s? vil alle de andre nodene vente p? at den skal bli tilgjengelig f?r "sweep" > stadiet kan kj?res. > > Vil det si at om en node aldri kommer opp igjen s? vil man praktisk talt sitte igjen uten en kj?rende > collector? Ja, og dog ikke allikevel. Hvis den aldri kommer opp igjen, s? m? en systemadministrator erkl?re den d?d og s? kan collectoren blot gjen-startes.

MVH Eric

Publisert 21. juni 2012 03:32 - Sist endret 22. juni 2012 20:27