Eric: Hi, as I am …

Eric: Hi, as I am a Professor II at UiO, I am not in Oslo most of the time. Therefore, instead of 15 x 2 hours of lectures, the course consists of 5 sessions x 6 hours. Each session is typically composed as follows: we start Monday morning at 09:15 and I then lecture until lunch-time. We take about an hour for lunch then start again approximately at 13 and continue to 16. There is a total of 5 lectures with a spacing of 2 weeks between the first three and 4-5 weeks between the last three. Between the lectures there are sessions with a Teaching Assistant every week - and you are expected to spend some time programming - this is a course where you will get your hacking fingers dirty! This is the fourth time the course has been given - typically with quite positive feedback (I ask for feedback after every set of lectures).

For Spring 2013 (v?r 2013) the first two lectures will be January 14th and January 28th. These dates are firm. The third lecture is highly likely to be February 11th. The fourth is likely to be March 11th. The fifth will likely be either April 8th or 15th.

PLEASE FEEL FREE TO SEND ME MAIL if you have any questions about the course.

Sincerely, Eric ericbj at ifi dot uio dot no

Publisert 22. des. 2012 18:54 - Sist endret 16. apr. 2013 13:20