Semesterside for INF5510 - V?r 2014


10. juni 2014 22:18

The oral exam will  be June 12th, 2014 AND June 13th, 2014.

The exam questions have now been published on the course web site. The questions are almost identical to last year's questions--the only change is that in question 7, you no longer have to explain the implementation of process mobility--it is hard enough to explain object mobility!

UPDATE: due to the number of students actually taking the exam and due to practical problems, we have had to schedule some of the exams on the 13th.

I will be posting the exam schedule shortly.

IF you have problems with the schedule, please contact me and I will try to work things out.

Please note that the exams will take place at IFI, in a room that will be announced tomorrow.



16. mai 2014 11:16
tomorrows lecture will start
at 9:30 am and that we will have a guest lectuerer, Sape Mullender.
27. apr. 2014 09:51