Lecture F6 INF5510 2017-03-01 in Java OJD 2423 Lecturer: Eric Jul AGENDA: - Obliq 1 feedback Many Planetlab Nodes are in reality unreachable (Eric has added more nodes.) - Reveiw of Attachement, TreeNode - Distribution concepts: location, reliability Building a reliable system on top of an unreliable one - Unavailable section - presented - Failure section - explained diff between unavailable and failure - Checkpoint and recovery section Explained - NOTE: checkpoint does NOT work in current implementation - Time synchronization Presented the general problem of synchronizing time. - Obliq 2 presented - Evaluation Next lectures: 10/03-2017 10.15-16 Room to be announced 21/04-2017 10.15-16 Room to be announced Next Obliq 2017: Obliq 2: 01/03-09/03 Home Exam 1: 10/03-06/04 Home Exam 2: 21/04-19/05 Oral Exam EXPECTED: week of June 12th - June 16th