Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
01.09.2011Dietmar Pfahl? OJD 2453 Seminarrom Perl? Introduction into Process Improvement? Attending this lecture is mandatory

Time: 14:15 – 17:00

Lecture notes and additional readings can be found in the folder undervisningsmateriale?

08.09.2011Dietmar Pfahl? OJD 2453 Seminarrom Perl? Processes and Process Modeling (Section A)? Time: 14:15 – 17:00

Lecture notes and additional readings can be found in the folder undervisningsmateriale?

15.09.2011Dietmar Pfahl? OJD 2453 Seminarrom Perl? Processes and Process Modeling (Section B)? Time: 14:15 – 17:00

Lecture notes and additional readings can be found in the folder undervisningsmateriale?

22.09.2010--? --? no lecture? --?
29.09.2011Dag Sj?berg? OJD 2453 Seminarrom Perl? Flow-based Agile Development (KANBAN)? Time: 14:15 – 17:00

Lecture notes and additional readings can be found in the folder undervisningsmateriale?

06.10.2011Students & Dietmar Pfahl? OJD 2453 Seminarrom Perl? Student presentations? Time: 14:15 – 17:00

(3-5 min each / attending this session and giving a presentation is mandatory)

The presentations will be posted in the folder student-presentations under directory undervisningsmateriale?

13.10.2011Dietmar Pfahl? OJD 2453 Seminarrom Perl? SPI & Measurement? Time: 14:15 – 17:00

Lecture notes and additional readings can be found in the folder undervisningsmateriale?

20.10.2011Dietmar Pfahl? OJD 2453 Seminarrom Perl? Problem Solving and Improvement - by Individuals and in Groups? A draft of the project report is due at the latest by 13:30 (submission is mandatory - please submit by e-mail to dietmarp@ifi.uio.no / only PDF format will be accepted). Note that any delay (even 1 minute) in submission will result in a penalty!

Lecture Time: 14:15 – 17:00

Lecture notes and additional readings can be found in the folder undervisningsmateriale?

27.10.2011Bente Anda? OJD 2453 Seminarrom Perl? Industry Presentation: SPI at Skatteetaten (Cost Estimation)? Time: 14:15 – 17:00

Lecture notes and additional readings can be found in the folder undervisningsmateriale?

03.11.2011Dietmar Pfahl? OJD 2453 Seminarrom Perl? SPI & Empirical Research Methods? Time: 14:15 - 17:00

Lecture notes and additional readings can be found in the folder undervisningsmateriale

First draft of project report will be returned with feedback during the lecture.?

10.11.2011Dietmar Pfahl? OJD 2453 Seminarrom Perl? Learning from Experience? Time: 14:15 – 17:00

Lecture notes and additional readings can be found in the folder undervisningsmateriale?

17.11.2009Dietmar Pfahl? OJD 2453 Seminarrom Perl? Process Assessment, Process Improvement Frameworks, Course Review? Time: 14:15 - 17:00

Lecture notes and additional readings can be found in the folder undervisningsmateriale?

06.12.2011--? --? no lecture? Final project report is due on December 6th at 19:59 (submission is mandatory - delay will NOT be accepted!).

Please submit electronically to dietmarp@ifi.uio.no

Only PDF format will be accepted!?

15.12.2011--? to be announced? no lecture? Individual oral exams

Duration: approx. 20 min

Begin: 9:00 am

If more than 16 students register for the oral exam, additional exams will be conducted on December 16.?

16.12.2011--? to be announced? no lecture? Additional oral exams (only if needed)?
20.12.2011--? --? no lecture? Final grade available (tentatively)?
Published Oct. 10, 2011 4:03 PM - Last modified Feb. 7, 2020 3:59 PM