Velkommen til INF-MAT3370 Line?r optimering …

Velkommen til INF-MAT3370 Line?r optimering v?ren 2009! (Welcome: the lectures are in English if there are foreign exchange-students asking for it!) Here you will learn about linear optimization (also called linear programming, LP) and the simplex algorithm; this is perhaps the most used algorithm in the world! LP is very useful in many areas, for instance in mathematical (and computational) finance, transportation analysis/planning, scheduling etc. You will also gain insight into applications and the theory of polyhedra (geometrical objects, examples include triangles, pyramids, cubes ...). If you like linear algebra, there is a good chance that you'll like this course as well!

Published Nov. 19, 2008 11:06 AM - Last modified June 10, 2009 10:48 AM